Non-Surgical Ways to Protect Your Skin

Many women spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year on cosmetic surgery and beauty spa treatments, but if you want to look great without breaking the bank (and, in many cases, without leaving your house) there are many options available to help keep your skin looking young and glowing.

Up the SPF

Sun damage is one of the worst offenders when it comes to skin aging. It is imperative that you protect yourself using a sunscreen of at least 15 SPF, even on a cloudy day, if you want to protect yourself from harmful rays that can cause age spots, freckles, wrinkles, un-even skin tone, and even lead to skin cancer. A handy way to ensure you are protected during your daily routine is to purchase a facial moisturizer that includes sun protection and apply it after you have washed your face in the morning, before applying your make-up. Some foundations and bronzers also come with built-in sun protection.

A great way to achieve a sun-kissed look and still keep you healthy is to hit the bottle - the fake tan bottle, that is. A far cry from the orange glow bottled tan of a decade ago, there are many choices on the market now that let you build up a gradual and natural looking glow without having to excessively expose yourself to strong sunlight.

Take Your Vitamins

Vitamins play an important role in our overall health, and in this busy world it can be difficult to make sure we're getting the right amounts of everything. Vitamin E is important for sun protection and helps keep your skin looking youthful. In addition to taking Vitamin E on its own as a supplement or in a daily multivitamin, many moisturizing body lotions include the vitamin.

Stay Hydrated

Most of us know by now that we should be drinking at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water every day, but it can be easy to forget to watch your intake. Drinking plenty of water helps to flush toxins out of our bodies that would otherwise affect us negatively, including having negative effects on our skin. Staying hydrated can help to keep your skin clear and blemish-free.

Watch Your Diet

In addition to drinking water and getting your vitamins, avoid foods that may cause break outs and are loaded with refined sugar, caffeine, salt, alcohol, or trans fats. Not only are these foods not good for your overall health and can cause spikes and drops in energy levels, they can leave you with a pale and drained complexion, acne, puffiness, dullness, and dehydration.

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