Are Tanning Beds Safer Than the Sun?

Gone are the days where you grab your blanket and head out to the beach for the day. Not only are we more aware of the damage the rays of the sun can cause those rays get stronger year by year creating an increased risk. So what options do us sun worshipers have?

Well we're certainly not going to give up that beautiful tan we live for. After all it makes us feel sexy - we look great and we all need a good healthy dose of vitamin D. The answer to this dilemma lies in the use of tanning bed. Sun tanning doesn't have to be a thing of the past. Using a salon tanning bed or home tanning bed can help you reduce your risk of skin cancer and skin damage by reducing the amount of exposure your body receives.

A tanning bed will allow you to get your tan in a fraction of the time significantly reducing the amount of exposure to harmful rays. Of course you should always protect your skin from overexposure by following the recommended tanning times and by using tanning products that will protect your skin while creating a much deeper sexier tan than you ever dreamed possible.

While tanning does not cure cellulite it certainly reduces just how noticeable it is. Besides who's going to be thinking about cellulite when you're wearing that beautiful tan. And that's part of the attraction of getting a beautiful tan. Suddenly those small body flaws that drive us crazy are a thing of the past. We feel younger, healthier, more attractive all because of our tan. Now who is going to give that up?

So you want to use a tanning bed to keep getting that beautiful tan but now you're hearing bad things about tanning beds. We're not going to deny it - Too much UVB and too much UVA rays can be bad for you - they can cause your skin to get leathery and old, they can age you and they can cause skin cancer. Of course many things we do can do exactly the same thing.

The key is that using a tanning bed doesn't have to be risky if you use good tanning sense. Use proper tanning products to protect your skin, limit your exposure to the recommended bed times, and make sure the salon replaces the bulbs at the recommended intervals.

Don't allow yourself to burn. If you have porcelain skin you likely burn just thinking about a tan, and you wouldn't be a good candidate for a tanning bed anymore than you are a good candidate for the sun, but you are a good candidate for sunless tanning.

Everyone deserves to have a tan that makes them feel youthful and beautiful and there really is a tanning solution for everyone.

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