Cure For Dandruff - Why a Cure For Dandruff Isn't What You Want

Dandruff can suck for anyone, especially when that Friday or Saturday night rolls around and you want to hit the town. In fact most of the population suffers from dandruff, and what's worse is there isn't actually a cure for it because it's a natural process of the body, it's like asking for a cure that your heart beats. So what you don't want is a cure, but rather a routine that controls the dandruff and there are various ways to achieve that.

There are different methods for getting a routine that controls dandruff, such as using anti-dandruff shampoos but personally I prefer use natural methods since dandruff is a natural process of the body. A hot bath is really great for the scalp especially when you get a hot damp towel and place it on your scalp for several minutes, you can also get several slices of lemon and let them soak in coconut oil for about a week in the sun, then carefully apply to your scalp for half an hour and then finish by rinsing.

There is another more complicated home remedy that is great, its called hot oil therapy. Firstly massage some hot oil into your scalp just before you go to bed, and the next morning about an hour before your bathe, rub lemon juice onto your scalp with a swab of wool, then wash your hair and at the last rinse use the juice of a lemon in some hot water, continue to do this several times a week for several months.

Remember the goal of this isn't to cure dandruff, but simply to control it, and with these remedies that control will surely be in your hands.


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